Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Yoooooooork!

I'm going on 2 hours of sleep from the night before and am running on fumes at this point, but I cannot help myself: I'm going to New York City, people!!!  Of all the worldly travels both domestic and internationally, the Big Apple has been at the top of my destination list, yet--for some reason unbeknownst to me--has always fallen through the cracks or becomes pushed aside...

...but not this time!

I am honored and floored to be invited by the ever-so-eloquent and classy bride, Lauren, and her perfectly-paired fiance, Michael, in capturing an event-filled weekend celebrating their union as husband and wife!  Sessions will include scenes from all over the city and include icons such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Grand Central Station, Central Park, the Federal Courthouse, and hopefully everything in between!  As a first-timer to the empire city, I cannot wait to take it all in!  But in order to do so, I'll need my rest and am closing shop early this evening...

...and I have no idea when 10:44pm became considered "early."  So now I suspect that I'll fit in perfectly with the city that never sleeps...

Photo courtesey of movingtoplaces.com

Monday, July 25, 2011


WOW!!  Soooo, I am a newby and this is my first post!  I feel like I have no idea what to talk about at the moment...well, that isn't 100% true.  I guess I do not know where to start, so please bear with me as I get my footing before diving in...


...so here we go...


I am a new mother to a beautiful baby girl that has given me the inspiration and courage to follow my dreams by swallowing my fears.  I chose to step out into the world, camera in tow, and begin what I should have started over 12 years ago.  I have always loved photography: many of my friends joked how coincidental and humorous it was that I (being half Korean) was going to finally settle into a photography degree after 4 years of changing my major while an undergraduate at San Diego State University.  Call it fear, greed, immaturity, or being a realist, I rarely touched a camera after accepting my bachelor's diploma: fear of rejection/criticism/judgement in attempting to create art for the masses, fear of failure in starting my own photography business, greed in seeking a job that held both heavy paychecks and a lofty title, immaturity in seeking what I thought was important to others rather than being true to myself, or being a realist in that surviving on an artist's income was too risky and scary.

I have wandered down many paths since then searching endlessly for my "calling."  I traveled to Korea and parts of Asia in search of work and God, becoming a flight attendant after running out of money and still feeling the itch to travel, landing in Chicago for a master's degree in Education & then got the kibosh on my thesis, switching gears to physical therapy after literally running myself to the ground, and now here I am...finally...I think.

So what gives?

Why now, all of a sudden?

What changed?

Becoming a mother and having the wonderful support of my fiance' and partner in crime.  Growing up, my mother always encouraged me to strive for my dreams, yet she never did the same for herself.  My mother lived for us children and sacrificed everything--including her dream of becoming a teacher--to give us a better life.  My mother stayed at home and raised me and my siblings all the while setting aside her dream to dip into numerous jobs to get a taste of something new, something different, anything to bring in a little more income yet something/anything that enabled her to still be a mother to us.  She tried many roles, and like many of us know, a chocolate craving cannot be sated with anything other than chocolate.  As for my mother, she began encouraging me and my siblings to teach.  Though her projections were a personal and desperate attempt to achieve her own dreams and passions, I nor anyone could not fill that void on her behalf: it was completely on her and something only she could do for herself.

I share all this to say that I love my mother more so now than ever because I am just beginning to realize the sacrifices she made in her life to ensure better lives for her children.  She is truly amazing, and I love her endlessly.  She is tough as nails and a force to reckon with, yet she will give you everything she has to make you comfortable, even at the risk of her own discomfort.  That's my mom: amazing.

I also must share that though I love teaching, it's not my chocolate.

When my daughter was born, I knew that I never wanted to give her excuses as to why I was too afraid to step out of my fears and strive for my dream, read emphasis: MY dream.  It was on me to try, and if I failed, I would learn something along the way, as I had in all of my previous failed attempts and pathways that eventually lead me back to where I am today.

I also would not be here if it was not for the love and support of my amazing fiance'.  He, too, has made so many sacrifices throughout our relationship that have enabled me to attempt my dream...and if I fail, I know he'll be there to help me pick up the pieces and start anew.  He is an inspiration, he's my hero, he's also amazing.

So even though I am still currently pursuing a career in the field of physical therapy (because I still have that fear of failure and have the need for financial security, especially now that I have a daughter and am starting a family), I won't have any excuses for my daughter.  It's the road less traveled, a less beaten path, but one with many treasures and sweet fulfillment along the way.